Adding Users

You can add Users and give them access to the application. You can provide general details about the Users and also assign Role Templates to them. The Role Templates define the menu and submenu access, access to specific Tenants, and so on. Each User should be mapped to a Domain, and the tenant they need access to should also be mapped to the same Domain. For more information, about Role Template page, see Configuring Role Templates.

To add new Users:

  1. Select Admin > Basic > Users > User List. The USER LIST page is displayed.


Figure: USER LIST page


  1. On the USER LIST page, on the ACTIONS panel, click Filters and specify the Domain and other filter criteria, and then click ADD NEW. The NEW USER page is displayed.


Figure: NEW USER page


  1. On the NEW USER page, on the left section, type in the new User details as described in the following table:
Field Description
Employee ID Type in the employee identification number of the User.
User Name Type in the name of the User.
E-mail ID Type in the e-mail address of the User.
Customer Lists the configured Customers. Select the Customer name of the User.
Location Lists the configured Locations. Select the Location name of the User.
User Category Select the category of the User:
  • End User
  • Service Account
  1. Type in the other required details under the GENERAL, ACCESS, and INCIDENT tabs. For more information about the on the NEW USER page, see Field Description.
  2. Click SUBMIT. A new User is configured.

Field Description

This section describes the fields on the NEW USER page.




If defined, the custom tabs for the Customer are also displayed in addition to the above tab. For information about configuring Custom Tabs, see Configuring Custom Tabs.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the NEW USER page.



Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the Users configured in the SUMMIT application. For more information about viewing Users, see Viewing User List.


Figure:  USER LIST page: List of Users


Note: When the Customers are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new Customer.


Click USER TEMPLATE MAPPING to view the Role Templates that are mapped to the User whom you added. See Screen Shot.



Click Filters to display all the Users configured in the SUMMIT application. On the FILTERS pop-up page, select the Customer and Location from the respective list. You can also search for a specific User by typing the name of the User in the Search User field. Click SUBMIT.


Figure:  FILTERS pop-up page
