Configuring Templates for Free-Form E-Mail Type

You can configure the e-mail content in a paragraph format for E-mail Parsing.

To configure user defined keys for free-form e-mail type:

  1. Select Admin > Others > Mail Parser.
  2. On the MAIL PARSER page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. On the Advanced Search section, select E-mail Type as Free From. The Free-Form details are displayed. Fill in the required information (see: Field Description).

Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the Advanced Search section of the MAIL PARSER page:

Field Description
Mail Content Type

Lists the configured mail content type.

  • Subject
  • Body
  • Both

Select the mail content type from the list.

Preceding Text

Specify the preceding text for the selected Mail Content Type.

Succeeding Text Specify the succeeding text for the selected Mail Content Type.

Specify a number. In an e-mail, the occurrence of the specified preceding and succeeding text or the preceding text alone in the selected Mail Content Type is represented as a number. For example, If the occurrence is represented as one (1) for the Mail Content Type: Subject, then the first occurrence of the specified text is considered as the key value.

Key Value: In an e-mail, the available text between preceding text and succeeding text is considered as the key value. For example, the e-mail containing the following content:

Status: The job (Job: "DBSUtil02 Backup 00007) completed successfully.

If preceding Text is specified as "Status".

If Succeeding Text is specified as "successfully".

The Key value is considered as: The job (Job: "DBSUtil02 Backup 00007) completed.

E-mail Template Fields

Specify a e-mail template key name. By default, you can view Subject and Body as system defined template. As per the needs of e-mail parsing, you can add more templates keys to the list.


For other sections of the NOTIFICATION PARSER page, see Configuring Notification Parser.