Configuring Runbook Automations (RBAs)

You can configure the Runbook Automations (RBAs) for Incidents, Service Requests (SRs), and Work Orders. In RBAs, a condition is defined. If this condition is met, the defined RBA Scripts are executed. This does not require any manual intervention from the Analysts and the actions are performed by the RBA Scripts if the pre-condition is met.

To configure RBAs:

  1. Select Admin > Advanced > Automation > Runbook Automation.
  2. On the RUNBOOK AUTOMATION page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. Type in the new RBA details as described in the following table:


Field Description
Name Type in a name for the RBA.
Module Select a module for which the RBA is applicable.
Workorder Source Select the Work Order source from the list.
Tenant Select the Tenant for which the RBA is applicable.
Execute When

Select the criteria when the RBA should be executed.

  • Creation
  • Updation - Populate Once
  • Always - Populate whenever criteria meets
Mode Select the mode of RBA, Automatic or Manual.
Active Indicates the status of RBA.
  • If selected the RBA is active.
  • If cleared, the RBA is inactive.

See Screen Shot

  1. Fill in the required details on the Configure Criteria, Configure Actions, and Auto Resolve tabs. For more information about fields on the Configure Criteria, Configure Actions, and Auto Resolve tabs, see Field Description.
  2. Click SUBMIT. The RBA is configured.

Field Description

This section describes the fields on the RUNBOOK AUTOMATION page:

Configure Criteria

Configure Actions

Auto Update


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the RUNBOOK AUTOMATION page.



Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the configured RBAs.


Figure:  RUNBOOK AUTOMATION page: Lists of RBAs


Note: When the RBAs are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new RBA.


Click Filters to display the FILTERS pop-up page to specify the filter criteria to display the configured RBAs. You can specify the Tenant and Module on the FILTERS pop-up page. Click SUBMIT.


Figure:  FILTERS pop-up page


Click VIEW LISTS OF INCIDENTS PROCESSED icon to view the incidents that are processed by the execution of Runbook Automation.

