Configuring Runbook Scripts

Runbook Scripts need to be configured so that Analysts can execute the scripts on the Configuration Items (CIs). The configured scripts are used in Runbook Automation (RBA). As an Administrator, you need to configure the scripts, specify target platform, and add commands that need to be executed through the script. You need to run the ‘Incident Smart Action’ job in the Custom Scheduler. This option is useful for issuing operational commands as well (besides diagnostic ones), such as restarting processes, changing supervisor parameters, and so on.

To configure Runbook Scripts:

  1. Select Admin> Advanced > Automation > Runbook Scripts.
  2. On the RUNBOOK SCRIPTS page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel.
  3. Type in the new Runbook Script details. For more information on the fields of RUNBOOK SCRIPTS page see, Field Description.
  4. Click SUBMIT. A new Runbook Script  is configured.



Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the RUNBOOK SCRIPTS page:

Fields Description
Script Name Type in the Runbook Script name.
Target Platform Select the Operating System on the target machine.
Script Type

Select the script type of the Runbook Script.

Access To

Select the Workgroups who can access this Runbook Script from the Available Workgroups list and click the > icon to add it to the Selected Workgroups list. Select a Workgroup from the Selected Workgroups list and click the  < icon to remove the Workgroup from the Selected Workgroups list

Script Commands

Type in the script commands that should be performed when the Runbook Script is executed.

Parameters The parameters required to execute the script is configured in this section.
Type in the name, description, and click Add to add the parameter.
Click to edit the parameter.
Click to delete the parameter.
Max Runtime Specify the maximum run time for the script.
Success/Failure Criteria Specify the condition to define the success/ failure of the Runbook Script .
  • Select the success or failure from the list.
  • Choose the condition from the list.
  • Specify the value for the condition.

Click the Add button to add an additional row of condition.

Output Parsing Criteria

Specify the condition to remove the additional output text and obtain only the valid output.

Specify the keywords in the Keyword text box and select the Criteria from the list box. The specified criteria will be removed from the output value and only the required output text is displayed.


Indicates the status set for the Runbook Script .

  • If selected, the Runbook Script is available for RBA configuration.
  • If not selected, the Runbook Script is inactive and is not available while configuring the actions for RBAs.
Enable License Validation

Enable this check box to enable license validation on the RUNBOOK AUTOMATION page for the selected script.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the RUNBOOK SCRIPTS page.



Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the Runbook Scripts configured in the SUMMIT application.


Figure:  RUNBOOK SCRIPTS page: List of Runbook Scripts


Note: When the Runbook Scripts are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to configure a new Runbook Script.