Configuring Custom Scheduler

Using the Custom Scheduler you can enable or disable a specific job, which is defined to perform certain tasks. You can enable monitoring and execution of tasks without any human intervention at the scheduled date and time. For configuring Custom Scheduler, you need to add or modify the jobs.

To add a job:

  1. Select Admin > Basic > Infrastructure > Custom Scheduler.
  2. On the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page, click ADD NEW on the ACTIONS panel. Fill in the required details. For more information about the fields on the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page, see Field Description.
  3. Click SUBMIT. New job for the Custom Scheduler is configured.



Field Description

The following table describes the fields on the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page:

Fields Description
Monitoring Source

Select the monitoring source type.

  • Summit Server: It refers to the machine, where SUMMIT Suite is installed. It is also referred as SUMMIT Centralized Server. Select this option to execute the monitoring operations from the SUMMIT Server.
  • Proxy Server: This is an alternative server. Select this option to execute the monitoring operations from the Proxy Server. Based on the selected option, the Job Options are displayed in the list.
Run at Proxy If Monitoring Source is selected as Proxy Server, this field is displayed. Lists the Proxy Server names that are configured in the Proxy Agent tool. Select a Proxy Server from which you want to execute the monitoring operations.
Job Name Type in a job name.
Job Options

Select a job type from the list.

Note: Based on the selected monitoring source type, a set of job options are displayed in this field.

Schedule Type

Select a schedule type from the list.

  • Recurring: If selected, the job is scheduled to repeat at the specified date, time, and frequency.
  • One time: If selected, the job is scheduled to run at the specified date and time, and frequency. The job runs only once.
User ID

Type in the configured Summit Server or Proxy Server User ID using which you want to execute the job. If the User ID is not specified, the job is executed with the system default User ID.

Password Type in the password of the specified user.
Stop the job if it runs more than

If this option is selected, the selected job comes to a halt after the scheduled time elapses. Even if the job is not completely executed, the job stops. Type in the duration after which the job execution should come to a halt.

  • If you select Daily, select a value for the Recurs Every list. This indicates the interval at which the job is executed every day. For example, the job can be scheduled to run every 4 hours every day.
  • If you select Weekly, type in a value in the Recurs Every text box and select the days when the job is executed. For example, the job can be scheduled to run every 3 weeks on Sunday.
  • If you select Monthly and select The from the list, indicate which day of the month. For example, the job can be scheduled to run First Sunday of every 2 months. If you select Monthly and select Day from the list, indicate which day of the month. For example, the job can be scheduled to run 5th of  every 2 months.

Daily Frequency

Select a value from the list.

  • Occurs Once At: Select this option to execute the job at the specified time. Select the time from the list.

  • Occurs Every: Select this option to repeat the execution of job at the specified time. Specify the time, Starting At, and Ending At values.

Start Date

Type in the start date for running the job. You can also use the Calendar icon to select an appropriate date.

End Date If you select End Date, specify the date when the job should stop executing.
No End Date If you select No End Date, the job continues to execute.
Time Zone

Select a Time Zone from the list.


This section explains all the icons displayed on the ACTIONS panel of the CUSTOM SCHEDULER page.



Click the Filters icon to specify a particular filter criteria to display the jobs. On clicking the Filters icon, the FILTERS pop up page is displayed. Specify the filter criteria and click SEARCH.


Figure:  FILTERS pop-up page


The following table describes the fields on the FILTERS page:

Fields Description
Monitoring Source Select a monitoring source from the list as Summit Server or Proxy Server. Based on the option selected the other fields are displayed on the FILTERS pop-up page.
Run at Proxy Select a Proxy Server from the list.
Job Options Select a job option from the list.
Job Name Select a job name from the list.


Click SHOW LIST to display the LIST table showing all the jobs configured in the SUMMIT application.


Figure:  CUSTOM SCHEDULER page:  List of jobs for Custom Scheduler


Note: When the jobs are displayed under the LIST table, the ADD NEW action is displayed on the ACTIONS panel. Click ADD NEW to add a new job.


Click HISTORY to view job details, such as Job Name, Job Status, Job Initiator, Message, Duration, and so on. On clicking the HISTORY icon, the JOB HISTORY pop up page is displayed. Specify the filter criteria and click SEARCH button to view job details. The following table describes the fields on the JOB HISTORY page:


Figure:  JOB HISTORY page


The following table describes the fields on the JOB HISTORY pop-up page:

Fields Description
Job Name Select the job name from the list.
From Name

Specify the date range for search criteria. You can also click the Calendar icon to select an appropriate date.

To Date

Specify the date range for search criteria. You can also click the Calendar icon to select an appropriate date.

Job Name Displays the job name.
Job Status Displays the status of the job.
Last Run Date Displays the last date and time on which the job was executed.
Job Initiator Displays the Job Initiator name.
Message Displays the message of a job.
Duration Displays the duration taken to execute the scheduled job.


Click the REFRESH JOBS icon to refresh and display the updated Customer Scheduler list.